
Basic Bow Hunter gear

[Updated 1 January 2024] Bow hunter gear is a collection of equipment and tools used by hunters who use a bow as their primary hunting weapon. This gear is designed to help hunters improve their accuracy and increase their chances of success when hunting with a bow. The primary bow hunter gear includes a bow, arrows, broadheads, a quiver, a bow sight, a release aid, a stabilizer, and a bow case. The bow and arrow type will depend on the individual hunter’s strength and shooting style. Broadheads, which are the tips of the arrows, are also an important consideration, as they come in different types and designs, and it’s essential to choose the one that will work best for the kind of game being hunted and according to the hunting regulation on the area. A quiver is essential for keeping arrows safe and handy, while a bow sight attachment improves…

Bow hunters – planning and preparation

[Updated on 1 January 2024] Whether your novice or a veteran in the bow hunting game, it’s never a bad idea to plan ahead before the hunting season starts. This guide serves as a list for newbie and veteran bow hunters alike to prepare for a hunt and to stay safe out in the field. PLANNING 60+ DAYS BEFORE OPEN SEASON Securing Hunting License & Permits Each state processes licenses differently. No two states are alike as they have different requirements and procedures. Some states may require you to purchase tags with a hunter’s license. Hunter’s Safety Course Regulations will likely differ as breeding conditions change year to year. A hunter’s safety course is aimed to keep hunter’s safe as well as residents near the area. 45 DAYS BEFORE OPEN SEASON Topographic Maps While Google maps are one of the best available resources, it wouldn’t hurt to gain more information…
