How to Determine Your Eye Dominance

Your eye dominance is crucial in deciding whether to shoot a left- or right-handed bow. Most people are right-eye dominant, estimated at two-thirds of the population, whereas one-third is left-eye dominant. However, there is a minority who don’t have a single dominant eye. Here are a few quick ways to determine your dominant eye.

Eye Dominance Tests

The Instinctive Test

If you were to look through a telescope, which eye would you use? If you can easily answer that question, and the answer is always the same, then your dominant eye is probably being used.

Miles Test

The Miles test entails holding both arms out and making a circle with each set of fingers. With eyes open, you should focus the center of the circles on an object in the distance. Now, with your left eye closed, does the object appear to move or jump out of the circle? If yes! This means that your left eye is dominant. If you close your right eye, does the object appear to move or jump out of the circle? If Yes! You are right-eye dominant.

The issue with the aforementioned test is that if you focus too closely on the object, you’ll see two sets of hands and won’t be able to center the circle. If your focus instead lies on the hands, then you would see two objects! Try to be intuitive when you place your hands.

Try this: extend both your arms and form a circle with your hands. Center the circle on a faraway object, then slowly bring the circle closer to your face while keeping the object in the center. When the circle is covered by one of your eyes, that’s your dominant eye!

Porta Test

The Porta test is quite similar to the Miles test, except you have extended one arm and, with both eyes open, aligned your thumb with a distant object. You are right-eye dominant if the object is still aligned with your thumb when you close your left eye. The opposite is true for left-eye dominance. The Porta test can also be done by extending your thumb and aligning it with an object. Once you have aligned it, slowly retract your thumb towards you until it rests against your dominant eye.

This method, once more, relies on you not thinking about what you’re doing. Instead, focus instinctively and naturally on an object with both eyes–you’ll find that subconsciously one of your eyes takes precedence. If you find that the object you’re looking at jumps or moves the same amount when you close either eye or if your hands end up covering your nose, you may have no dominant eye.

No Dominant Eye

If you cannot determine which of your eyes is dominant, then don’t worry–you are not the opposite of dominant. You also do not have subordinate eyes! You see using both eyes, or as some would say, you have a third eye. Lucky you! Have no fear; you have numerous options for holding and firing your weapon!


What is eye dominance?

Eye dominance is the tendency of the brain to prefer visual input from one eye over the other.

Why is it important to determine eye dominance in archery?

In archery, it is essential to determine your dominant eye to ensure that you are aiming with your dominant eye. It will improve your accuracy and consistency when shooting.

How do I determine my dominant eye?

There are several methods to determine your dominant eye, but one standard is the “triangle method.” Extend your arms and create a small triangle with your thumbs and index fingers to perform this method. Keep both eyes open and center an object within the triangle. Close one eye, then the other. The eye that keeps the thing centered within the triangle is your dominant eye.

Can eye dominance change over time?

Generally, eye dominance is stable throughout a person’s life, but it can change due to injury or other factors. It is essential to check your eye dominance periodically to ensure you still use the correct eye for aiming.

What if my dominant eye is different from my dominant hand?

In archery, using your dominant eye for aiming is generally recommended, regardless of your dominant hand. If your dominant eye differs from your dominant hand, you can either learn to shoot with your non-dominant hand or use equipment, such as a bow with sight, to compensate for the difference.

Can I determine my eye dominance without an object to aim at?

While the triangle method is famous and reliable, other methods, such as the Porta or Miles tests, can be used to determine eye dominance. However, these methods may require additional equipment or assistance from another person.


In conclusion, determining your eye dominance is crucial for archery, allowing you to aim more accurately and consistently. While there are various methods for deciding eye dominance, the simple triangle method is the easiest and most effective. By implementing the techniques in this guide, you can quickly identify your eye dominance and take your archery performance to the next level. Remember always to keep safety in mind when handling archery equipment and to practice regularly to hone your skills. With practice, patience, and determination, you can become a skilled archer and hit your targets more accurately.


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